Friday, August 19, 2005

S.E.Asia Travel Log 9

Hello again. We are back in Malaysia. We are up in the North Eastern Corner on an island called the Perehnthian Islands (that might not be the right spelling). It is great, but getting here was a challenge and I thought we would not make it. But, let me digress.
We left Singapore and went to the rain forest area known as Tamra Negara. It is a national park. We took all day getting there and then quite awhile walking in the blazing sun to find a room in a guest house. There were rooms, but we were holding out for Air conditioning. What kind of full blooded American from the proud and historic southern U.S. would not? We finally found one, but it was for four people with bunk beds. So, we talked down his price and took it. I mean, Chad is three people by himself. If you go back to the last email you can clearly see how fat he is by the picture. The only reason I look bigger is because I am actually closer to the camera. If any of you had paid attention in math during your formative high school years you would know these kinds of dilemmas. So don't always believe what you see. ANYWAY, I am getting on a rant. I did not sleep well last night, so my mind tends to wander.
We trekked into the rain forest area and did what is called the "Jungle canopy walk way". It is an elevated rope walk way that is about 100 yards up. It was about 700 yards long, but was from large tree to tree with little wooden platforms at each tree. It was quite rickety, wobbly, and I was worried for Chad's safety. He is not very graceful and he tends to fall down frequently. Plus, he was carrying all of our cash at the time, so if he fell I would have to climb all the way down and retrieve his wallet, and I am the epitomy of laziness, so that is really a daunting task. I have decided that I should carry the money from now on in case something like that should happen, sorry Chad. We left the jungle area of Malaysia and made our way up the Coast and took a ferry over to the Perehnthian Islands. The water was very rough with huge waves. Our boat was about five people over capacity (a twelve person boat with about 17 people on board) We were forced below deck in order to keep from being washed over board. I kept whistling the theme to gilligans island the entire ride. Many of our boat mates got extremely soaked because the windows on their side of the boat was leaking the entire trip. Chad and myself chose very wisely on the initial dash under the deck. Only my right foot got wet, but I am rather fond of that foot, so it was not a total success. We managed to make it to shore, only two hours later, it was supposed to be a thirty minute ride. Then the boat captain could not pull along side the dock. I was debating jumping over board and swimming to shore, but then some locals came along and pulled the boat to the dock by it's tow ropes. In the morning we noticed another boat of the same size that was wrecked on the shore. I think that was the boat drivers previous vessle. We made it and now we only have to take the same boat back in a few days. I am going to wear scuba gear on the entire ride just in case. Well, I have to go, Chad and myself are about to go Scuba Diving with some local dive group. I know it sounds horrible. I just wish I could be back there with you guys working.
Sarcasm is my middle name
Michael Sarcasm Williams

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